Shake all of the ingredients, except the mint, in a shaker and pour the mixture through a bar strainer into a pre-chilled glass filled with ice cubes. Add 5–7 leaves of mint and stir.
Slice the lime and put the slices into a 1 litre jar, add the ground half of an apple and cloves. Slightly mash the ingredients and add ice cubes. Then add FRUXI FRESH Apple and Cloves and Sprite and stir.
Slice a large strawberry and put the slices into a 1 litre jar. Add the mint, ice cubes, FRUXI FRESH Apple and Mint, syrup and soda, and slightly stir.
We are a Slovak brand that produces 100% fruit juices. We have production and distribution in Stará Ľubovna.
Julie Ann Gurega
Miriam Dracova Galis